Educational company employees dazzled by video that integrates dynamic stock images, animated text, motion backgrounds and 3D visual effects.
Music video shown at company sales conference generates rousing applause and builds team unity.
The crowds were cheering…music was booming….lights were pulsing…and the “We Are” Video had everyone at the Pearson Education Sales Conference on their feet with excitement. The meeting was a great success, made more memorable and impactful by a fun and dynamic video production.
Video developed to create unity and connection
“We are Leaders. We are Believers. We are Mothers. We are pack-rats”
Some of the life style topics drew applause. Others drew laughs. But all helped to draw a sense of connection and unity.
“But all we want is a PowerPoint!”

The video almost wasn’t a video. Pearson Education manager Jeanne Bronson explained the goal of the project was simply to update an old PowerPoint music slideshow from 2002 (that The Presentation Team originally created). Simply updating a few photos in the latest version of PowerPoint seemed to be an efficient and cost-effective solution. But Kevin Lerner pushed the point for dropping PowerPoint.
“For this meeting and purpose, the difference between creating this project in PowerPoint versus After Effects as a video is like the difference between watching a movie on an old black and white television…or watching it in IMAX,” he insisted.
Pearson said yes, and the production got started.
Getting started in After Effects
Kevin Lerner started by creating 24 separate compositions in Adobe AfterEffects, each with its own text layer and image, The images were white clipped images to allow the subtle Digital Juice Motionback background image to display behind in the main composition. Animator John Conway worked to integrate the images, and set up the compositions while adding animation entry effects and movement for text and images. Eventually, all of the 24 compositions were inserted into a main composition and properly timed. The team chose for solid cuts between each of the compositions for a more concise and precise on-screen appearance to match the beats of the upbeat music. A royalty-free non-lyric version of the song was used, and edited in Sony Sound Forge to trim the time.
Cheers and applause at meeting

After four days of focused but relaxed work- and repetitive renderings- the team produced a MP4 video file that integrated easily into PowerPoint and, when played at the rally, generated cheers and applause.
Pearson says their meeting was a success, made even more impactful because of the use of this video in their presentation.
“I don’t believe the PowerPoint would have generated that same level of excitement,” confessed Bronson.
A time and place for PowerPoint

For Pearson and their sales managers, the motivating message of “We Are” was instilled through music, motion, and visuals, all coming together to create a feeling of connection that will help Pearson to achieve its objectives with greater zeal and passion.
The bottom line: there are times to use PowerPoint, and times not to. For companies wanting for their meetings to have more emotion, connection and impact, consider creating a video production rather than a quick and easy PowerPoint.
Kevin Lerner is a presentation consultant and expert on presentation design and delivery. His firm, The Presentation Team, has helped hundreds of companies and individuals to create world-class presentations.