Kevin Lerner | Presentation Authority & PowerPoint Expert + Professional Speaker & Trainer
Presentation Specialist & PowerPoint Expert + Professional Speaker & Trainer
Kevin Lerner | Presentation Authority & PowerPoint Expert + Professional Speaker & Trainer
Presentation Specialist & PowerPoint Expert + Professional Speaker & Trainer

PowerPresentations Blog

Presentation Tips, PowerPoint Ideas, and Public Speaking Strategies

Five Uses for One Speech

5 Tips for writers and speakers to capitalize on their creative writings to increase visibility, authority, fame and money.

Taking the time to translate your talk into more mediums will increase your online audience, authority, and revenue.

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You Take Your Writing Seriously

Speakers take their speaking seriously. Their speeches are often the result of relentless research, writing, and word wrestling. Some speakers spend days- even weeks- whittling their words with their Potent Pens to get it right. And then…the delivery! The applause. The accolades, praise and critique. And then it’s over. A great speech relegated to the trash heap of history. But for those of us who want to add longevity to our letters…and credence to our creativity there are solutions.

First, it’s valuable to as “Why bother?” I’ve spent all this time writing this speech…and now you’re saying to take even more time to convert it into all other mediums. If you’re looking to maximum the mileage of your message, taking the time to translate your talk into more mediums will increase your online audience and prominence, give you greater authority and credibility, and maybe even bring you fame and fortune.

1) Adapt your speech into a presentation.

Adapt Your Speech into a Presentation

Amplify your words with graphics in PowerPoint, Keynote, SlideRocket or SlideShare.

This article originated as a speech. And because I wanted to get more mileage out of it and put the concept to the test, I adapted it into a PowerPoint presentation. If you’ve got a great speech, it can easily be adapted into a graphically compelling presentation in PowerPoint, Keynote. Or put in on the web with narration and music with SlideRocket, or SlideShare. These presentation tools might actually help craft the speech’s core messages more effectively and efficiently.

Studies show…People remember 20% of what they hear…30% of what they see…but 50% of what they hear and see in combination.

If your speech is well-written and compelling, try submitting it to a few magazines or trade publications. Online media maybe a fast and easy way to get your message seen, but print media is still regarded as a testament to credibility and authority. There are still plenty of magazines hungry for fresh new content.

2) Printed Article for a Magazine

Magazine Article

Print Publications Provide Authority

If your speech is well-written and compelling, try submitting it to a few magazines or trade publications. Online media maybe a fast and easy way to get your message seen, but print media is still regarded as a testament to credibility and authority. There are still plenty of magazines hungry for fresh new content. Get a book in print on your topic and then watch your rankings rise.

3) Video on YouTube

Convert your speech to a YouTube Video

The World’s Third Most Visited Website wants YOU

The Third use of speech is to create a video and post it on YouTube. The fast and easy way is to set up a camera at your seminar, event, or toastmasters meeting, record your talk, and just and upload it to YouTube.

Another efficient and effective approach is to combine the presentation with a screen capture tool like Camtasia and narrate it as you play the presentation.

The approach I like to use is to export PowerPoint presentation as a series of JPG images. I then record the narration in an audio editing tool, and use a video editing tool like Adobe Premiere or After Effects to piece it together. This may take a bit more time, but the end result is a professional video.

And YouTube gets noticed; an average of 3 billion videos are viewed a day. And hundreds of people in their partner program are making 6-figure-incomes. Convert your speech to a video and suddenly you’re talking to a whole other market!

4) Article on YOUR Website / Blog

Convert Your Speech to a Website

Spread your word…for fun or profit

If you’re serious about writing or sharing your opinion, it’s helpful to have a website…your own “blog” or digital forum to share your ideas, insights and images. Your speech can be re-purposed with a few tweaks to find a friendly new home on your website. (Or maybe your speech started as an article on your website).

5) Discussion on Facebook, LinkedIn, PR-Log, or other Social Media Site

Discussion on Facebook

Repurpose with a level of objectivity can increase authority

Transforming your topic into a objectively-written story can help elevate your website rankings, and help get your name out there as an expert in your field. Facebook remains the second-most visited website. Great for light and consumer-friendly-topics. LinkedIn has a many social forums and groups for publishing helpful content.

Good Quality Content

Meaningful and Purposeful Content

Convert your talk and impact the entire planet

Ultimately what makes a good speech are the same elements that will make a great video, article or blog entry is good rich content. Words with meaning and purpose that we can all connect with.

This topic was born out of a desire for a short speech. Here it is as an article…and available as a video, blog, and SlideRocket presentation.

By converting your speech and its message into various mediums, your gain new audiences, new appeal, and new power. If it sticks, you can move forward in various venues and watch your influence as a writer / speaker / and influence as an expert in your field grow.

Ultimately the quality of any medium is a result of the quality of the content. Find your favorite talk and put it out there in a multitude of mediums for the world to see, hear, and experience. And Five Uses for One Speech will have an impact on the entire planet.

Watch this as a YouTube Video

Kevin Lerner is a presentation consultant and expert on presentation design and delivery. His firm, The Presentation Team, has helped hundreds of companies and individuals to create world-class presentations.

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PowerPoint Tips and Public Speaking Ideas

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